Boobies Meet World - Blog

What the HECK is Boobies Meet World?

Written by Peter Zatezalo | Oct 10, 2022 1:26:16 AM




What is Boobies Meet World? It’s a dream realized. It’s a different approach to living and how to use your resources. It’s more or less two people making their way around the globe to discover culture, people, and the natural world.


I (Peter) am a physical therapist and Shriya works remotely in digital marketing. I’ve been doing travel PT jobs for the last couple years in the US, making our way to the west coast and back. This allowed us to save up some cash and explore the US at the same time (as well as to slowly chip away at the amount of stuff we own). We currently live in Washington DC near our families and will be embarking on this journey of a lifetime on October 19th, 2022. 

Since getting married, we knew that the next big goal for us would be to save up the money to go around the world for a full year. It’s been a lot of preparation, especially over the past 6 months, but the work is going to pay off in a big way. We’ll be heading west around Mother Earth, first stopping in New Zealand and Australia, then to South-East Asia, a short jaunt to Nepal (more on that later), then back to South-East Asia, and then further west to the Mediterranean/North Africa, and points in Western Europe. 

At least that’s what we THINK is going to happen… It's honestly hard to say. By the time we leave, we’ll have an itinerary for New Zealand and Australia, and maybe a week or two planned in Thailand. We really want to keep our options open from there and plan as we go. To plan an itinerary for an entire year just seems insurmountable and assumes too much. 


Cool logo right? Boobie Bird origin story reveal at 10k subscribers… So tell your friends if you’re dying to know so bad. 


Three words: Cold. Hard. Cash. 

Just kidding. That would be pretty cool, but our primary purpose in writing the blog is to have an amazing account of the journey, keep friends and family up to date, and have a creative outlet to work on during some of our longer stays. There will probably be an accompanying social media account, but to be honest, our main focus is to have the experience. Not grind so hard at self promotion and content creation that it becomes another job - that’s why we’re leaving in the first place!


Sure. To anyone who’s reading, we appreciate you. Please don’t be shy to leave a message or interact. Shriya and I do love each other very much, but I’m sure that at  a certain point, we will both be thrilled to interact with people outside of what will become our tiny bubble. Boobies for life.

Much love,

Shriya & Peter